Wednesday, 18 February 2009

These boots were made for grooving.

If more folk did this instead of going to the Nuremberg rallies...sorry, X-Factor auditions...the country would be in a better state. And I do genuinely do believe that.

Oh, Victoria....

Friday, 6 February 2009

29 years young...

That's right. Another year bites the dust. Still, as I'm feeling less than creative right now and the need to rant is pretty minimal, I thought I'd just big up some top tracks that have collectively got my metaphorical musical mojo aflame. Ahem.

The Pipettes - Pull Shapes (We are the Pipettes. 2006)

Wonderfully delicious and delightful surf-pop girly harmonies coupled with the kind of pop-nous that makes you realise that Pop music, when done properly, can trump everything else in attaining the perfect high.

The Pipettes - Pull Shapes

Ladytron - International Dateline (Witching Hour, 2006)

A stripped back synth-bassline throbs underneath a starightforward drum loop and slowly creeps into the consiousness with menacing aplomb. Oh, dear, it's in your head already isn't it?

Ladytron - International Dateline

The Charlatans - Weirdo (Between 10th and 11th, 1992)

If you want to suvive Madchester and keep up the shindig well into Britpop then just play with the formula a bit. The heaviest Hammond Organ riff ever as an intro? Ok then.

The Charlatans - Weirdo

Municipal Waste - Lunch Hall Food Brawl (The Art of Partying, 2007)

The possible result of youthful 80s Thrashers being placed in stasis with a steady support of Thrash, weed, Thrash, zombie films and a bit of Thrash and being let loose in the new millenium with some updated music tech. Possibly.

Municipal Waste - Lunch Hall Food Brawl

The Saints - Know Your Product (Eternally Yours, 1978)

Not-quote-Punk Aussie Punksters with added doses of horns and groove. Never that big so you can big up these lost treasures and be all elitist-like.

The Saints - Know Your Product